Open Bids and Proposals Opportunities
There are currently no open opportunities.
Bid and Proposal Documents
Closed Bids and Proposals
- Phase-6, Wastewater Collection Rehabilitation Project
- On-Call Architectural/Engineering Design Services | Addendum #1
- IFB Exterior Painting Services No. 2025-01 Addendum 1 Bidder’s List
- Pump Station 17 Upgrade Renovation Project
- Metal Roof Replacement for Building #4
- Website Redesign and Development and RFP Inquiries
- Clarks Point Subdivision Sewer Extension Project
Clarks Point Addendum No. 1
What We Do
The Finance Department is responsible for a diverse set or internal administrative functions that encompass the following: financial record keeping and reporting, payroll, cash and investment management, billing and collections, customer service, cash disbursements, budgeting, accounts payable, procurement, financial policies adherence, insurance claims and processing, internal auditing, safeguarding of assets, CIP/infrastructure financing, Debt management, banking services, fiscal policies, records, management, permitting, purchasing and the coordination of the external annual financial audit. The District’s finance department responsibility also includes preparing the MD&A and the financial statements, maintaining the general ledger, and countless other analysis’ for external and internal use daily, weekly, monthly. We maintain internal controls that ensure accurate and timely financial reporting and financial analysis.
To become a vendor, please e-mail an introduction letter to Joanne Tucker, Administration Manager, indicating what type of services or products you offer and request that you be placed on our bidder’s list. If you have previously bid on a project or product, you are automatically placed on our bidder’s list. For more information on procurement, please review our Procurement Policy below.
Per procurement code, JIPSD sells its fixed assets here:
Procurement Resolution
- FY25 Budget Resolution
- FY24 Budget Resolution
- FY23 Annual Budget
- FY2022 Budget & Financial Plan
- FY2021 Budget & Financial Plan
- FY2020 Budget & Financial Plan
- FY2019 Budget
- FY2018 Budget
- FY2017 Budget
- FY2016 Budget
- Audit Financial Statements