JIPSD is eager to answer your questions about what we are doing to combat Wastewater overflows in the Central Park Road area. Overflow issues occur during extreme rain events such as tropical storms, heavy rains, or hurricanes. The combination of high tide and a heavy rain will cause ditches to overflow into areas normally dry and Stormwater finds its way into our system. We currently have a project underway to help alleviate these problems.
JIPSD just completed the PS-2 Force Main Diversion and Capacity Upgrade Project at the cost of $5,263,736. The project involved installing a larger force main from our pump station on Central Park Rd to Harbor View Circle to replace the aged existing force main. Now JIPSD is starting the Upgrade/Conversion phase of PS-2 (located at Central Park and Fleming) which will cost $1,097,995. This will increase the discharge rate for PS-2 and reduce the possibility of overflows resulting from high intensity, long duration rainfall events.
JIPSD is making a substantial investment in this area. In next year’s budget, Wastewater Services is requesting an additional $72,000 to perform flow monitoring in the Central Park Road collection system which will pinpoint areas creating the inflow problem. Additionally, we are seeking to hire employees dedicated to locating broken clean outs and placing manhole inserts that will reduce the amount of Stormwater that enters our system. Our primary goal is keeping Stormwater where it belongs not only to prevent overflows, but to lower the cost JIPSD pays to treat the extra water in our system.
If you want to learn more, please contact Wastewater at 843-762-5258.
For City Stormwater questions, please call their hotline at: 843-202-7639.
To report a broken clean out, please fill out this form.