On June 26, 2017, the Commission passed the 2nd and final reading of the FY2018 Budget.
JIPSD will be closed Tuesday, July 4th
In observance of Independence Day, our offices will be closed and there will be no garbage or trash collection on Tuesday, July 4, 2017
During the holiday week, garbage and trash collection will occur one day later than your regular collection day. If you have a Wastewater emergency, please call 843.795.2345. View the Solid Waste collection schedule, or call the Solid Waste department at (843) 762-5260 if you have any questions.
Commission passes 1st reading of the budget
On May 22, 2017, the Commission passed the 1st reading of the FY2018 Budget.
Fire Department Promotions
The following associates that have been promoted to the rank of Engineer:

Town of James Island’s Community Hero Award