Dear JIPSD residents,
I would like to address some of the information that has been posted by other entities on social media the past few days. I take my job as Director of Solid Waste Services, and as the Disaster Recovery Manager, very seriously and am dedicated to ensuring all duties are performed safely and to the best of my abilities. My job is not to manipulate what areas are being serviced, it is to execute pre-approved operational plans already in place. All operational procedures, including storm/disaster recovery, are part of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which has been approved by the Commission and submitted, accepted, and approved by the county. Commissioners may review them again at any time. We are in no way shape or form trying to treat any part of the island differently than any other. In conjunction with the JIPSD management team I, JIPSD crews, and county contractors are all dedicated to getting Hurricane Dorian debris cleaned up as efficiently and safely as possible. Any other information, not being provided by JIPSD and myself may not accurately represent actual plans, progress or processes.
When contractors are dispatched, they are put in areas with the heaviest debris because from a logistical and operational standpoint their equipment is designed to handle disaster debris and larger amounts; therefore, they can clean those areas more efficiently than crews using equipment designed for routine operations.
By law, If the Town has engaged its own contract to remove storm debris, then it’s now the Town’s responsibility to manage their area and attend contractor meetings until the storm debris has been declared removed. Once said declaration is made, JIPSD can begin regular debris removal.
JIPSD will continue to work with contractors for the remainder of its jurisdiction. JIPSD crews will also continue to collect roll-cart garbage for its households on the normal schedule.
During a storm of this magnitude assignments may change daily due to further assessments coming in, if more equipment arrives, and as JIPSD crews complete areas.
I am in constant contact with the County and contractors making sure equipment is dispatched as promised. I have 35 years’ experience in the Solid Waste industry, all in operations, and have spent the past 3 years fine-tuning and improving Solid Waste procedures to make sure we run as efficiently as possible.
There is a very large task in front of us, and JIPSD associates out working on the clean-up operations are doing their absolute best. We are just 5 days into the recovery and already our operational procedures seem to be in question.
We will continue to provide routine updates on progress, and JIPSD residents are encouraged to direct their questions to JIPSD’s Solid Waste Services department for accurate information. Someone is always available to either answer questions or connect you to the correct associate to handle your question or concern.
Our vision is to be the best Special Purpose District in South Carolina. This job, which includes debris removal for all residents on the island that we serve, is what we are all dedicated to.
Lastly, I am a garbage man, not a politician, and I would like to return my focus to the operation at hand. Thank you.
Walter Desmond, Director of Solid Waste Services & Disaster Recovery Manager